What better gift for someone than to know they have helped to keep a child in need warm this winter?
In 2019, 36,322 of children aged 0-15 were living in income deprived families, and Hyndburn ranked in the most deprived 10% of the lower-tier local authorities within England. This will inevitably worsen due to the pandemic.
When you purchase this, you will be providing a local Accrington child with a warm, well fitting, winter coat, who would otherwise go without.
If you would like to purchase a coat with a gift card, please click HERE, or if you would like to make a general donation to Clothed in Love to help with running costs, click HERE.
100% of your donation made with this purchase will go towards a warm coat for a child in need.
(statistics from https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/lancashire-insight/d...)